Thursday, September 17, 2009

More Cutie Puppet Crafts

Since yesterday's Finger Puppets were so much fun to make, today let's try cute Paper Bag Puppets! Follow these 10 easy steps.
You'll need a paper bag, scissors, colored paper, "wiggly eyes", a magic marker, glue, feathers
1) create a a tortilla-chip shaped beak using scissors and colored paper.
2) cut two 1-1/4” circles from a bright color for circles around eyes.
3) glue two "wiggly eyes" the center of the circles.
4) cut two 2” circles from a different bright color for cheeks.
5) draw nostrils on top of beak.
6) glue the bottom of beak to bag under flap.
7) glue cheek circles to sides of head.
8) glue top of beak to head, placed above lower beak.
9) glue eyes in place, as shown.
10) glue feathers to back of head. Let dry.
Cute, cute, cute!

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