Thursday, August 2, 2012

Choupette the Cutie

Karl Lagerfeld (who we have written of previously) has for many years stated he does not want children. That said, he has fallen in love with a wee kitten named Choupette. I need not comment further as Karl demonstrates below his love for her (in his extravagant way:

“She has lunch and dinner with me on the table, with her own food… She sleeps under a pillow and she even knows how to use an iPad. She has two personal maids, for both night and day. She is beyond spoiled. When I am not there, the maids take down, in little books, everything she did.” Choupette also travels with Lagerfeld to St Tropez on his private jet “in the cockpit, with the pilot, she loves looking at the sky."

Spoiled but adorable, Choupette gets a big Hello There Cutie for showing that a cat can live the life too!!!   xxxo 

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