Hello from Boston Cuties! One spot I've been told by everyone to hit is the North End (aka Little Italy). Based upon this photo, I can see why. Old architecture... fabulous signage... adorable senior men arguing... Hello There Cutie Boston!!! xxxo
For a bathroom to get onto Hello There Cutie it's got to be pretty, well, adorable. Enter our first ever potty on the site! From Japan, this Hello Kitty inspired room makes me just want to smile while doing my business. I wonder what the shower looks like??? xxxo
I looove a recipe box... make it retro-inspired for bonus points! This cutie from Chronicle Books fits the bill perfectly but the question is: do I have the guts to organize all those slips of paper? Oh dear... xxxo
Summertime is gardening... but I don't know how these cutie plants would feel about being put into the dirt! Perhaps their smiles might turn upside down. Whatta dilemma! xxxo
I had a donut the other day (big treat!) and boy was it yummy!!! Afterward I felt like it had gone straight to my hips tho. Imagine my surprise when I saw this t-shirt of a Cutie w/donut hips!!! I guess I'm not alone... xxxo
Tonight I'm going to be a friend's arm-candy at a Gay Pride launch party here in SF. The invite had these two kissin Cuties, so how could I say no? My Dad and I would sing "Put Down the Duckie" along with Bert and Ernie, so this image brings to my mind both him and them... happy Hello There Cutie memories! xxxo
I found this "napkin as a card" project on an embroidery website. It claims these are for X-mas but I think they are appro for any occasion! Hello There Cutie craft project!!!
The French company Arkiane has modern indoor & outdoor fireplaces, many of which are available either built in or wall mounted. Some are also available as ceiling suspended or floor models. In all instances, they are beyond cute! xxxo
In Minnesota, the state Department of Natural Resources is urging drivers to give turtles a brake. (pun intended) Why? Well, the turtles are trying to get from their winter homes to their warm-weather nesting areas and often must cross roads to do so. Minnesota, you're officially our Cutie state of the day for caring about these lovely amphibians!!! xxxo
This handsome gent was my Daddy on his wedding day. He had an infectious laugh, huge smile, kind heart and great wisdom. I never knew this before, but on his wedding day he wore a gardenia... my favorite flower. Norm truly was a cutie, and is in my heart on Father's Day and all others in-between. xxxo
In 1959, the Notting Hill Tube Station underwent modernization. Recent work at the station has rediscovered passageways that, when opened, revealed a marvelous time capsule. The adverts on the walls the day the passageways were sealed off remain, and have revealed a world of amazing graphics and Hello There Cutie posters. Check 'em out here. xxxo
Ok Cuties, I need your help... found this adorable vintage ceramic figurine online but can't figure out what the heck it is!!! The tail and haircut remind me of a dog, posture like a cat and ears of a rabbit. Is this a datbbit or what? Whatever it is, it's def Hello There Cutie worthy!!! xxxo
I recently had my locks shorn, and now must figure out how to cute-ify my new short 'do. It seems that barrettes might be the answer! I found these on Etsy, and do believe that cuteness does reign supreme here. The question is, will people want to nibble my hair??? xxxo
A few years back, I did a project with designer Stefan Sagmeister. This recent collaboration he did with Levi's is entitled “Button Fly” and we adore it! A clever design plus punny/funny name = Hello There Cutie! xxxo
As you might recall, I am fascinated by the whole sweet and goth Lolita scenes in Japan. Altho I'm a bit "past peak" to dress it fully, I can still pretend online via this site. Drag n drop cute outfits (including a crown for this princess!) and voila, Hello There Cutie!!! xxxo
It's Monday... the last one was pretty tough (parking tickets and worked late into the pm) so I'm entering this one with a smile. And what better for a Monday smile then two cute monkeys giggling. Is that a grin I see on your face too? Hello There Cutie Mondays! xxxo
It's beautiful and warm here in SF and I'm headed to the beach! This adorable towel is from the giftshop at MOCA in LA, and features an image by the contemporary Japanese pop artist Yoshitomo Nara. Using deceptively cute and simple characters to talk about social and cultural issues. Nara’s towel features a close up of one of his youth figures. Ok, and is darn cute!!! xxxo
It seems to be baby season, and I keep getting my soon-to-be little nieces/nephews the same gifts as others... hrmph! In doing some searching, I found these toy knitted cupcakes at Oompa (no loompa!). What baby (or parent) wouldn't love playing with these??? Hello There Cuties! xxxo
The Daruma Kids are five friends who want to help young people dream. Inspired by the Japanese traditional Daruma doll (a centuries-old wishing doll) the DKids, through their adventures, remind us to never give up on our dreams and always stay young at heart. And they're darn cute... Hello There Cuties!!! xxxo
When we hear of something being cooked up by "the folks in North Carolina," soda isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind. Nevertheless, Cheerwine is a yummy cherry-flavored soda made w/real cane sugar(!) in the hills of NC since 1917. With that adorable retro packaging, it's a lot less likely to get you arrested than that other drink too... xxxo
It's Tomoko's b-day today, and she loves cute (TK gave me the world's cutest umbrella). In celebration of this special day, we have another Target exclusive Hello Kitty, this time in a traditional kimono, opening up her arms to give our b-day girl a big "Hello There Cutie" b-day hug! xxxo
Hello Kitty has some exclusive items at Target that a friend in SoCal shared with me. She showed off her HK in a koala outfit but I, of course, was attracted to the bunny. A bunny/kitty combo = Hello There Cutie!!! xxxo
What's a girl to do when she can't afford a Chanel quilted bag? Make her own!!! This NY smartie pants did just that, using a paper lunch bag and attaching a chain to the top. A great whimsical statement on the disposability of fashion... and darn cute!!! Whatcha think Karl would say? xxxo
I recently discovered the work of the Manchester Craft Mafia out of the UK and wow, what talent presides there!!! This is the work of one of their members, and this owl paper collage has blown my mind. The detail, layering and all around adorableness has totally won a place in my heart (and I wish on my wall). Hello There Cuties! xxxo
The band Architecture In Helsinki is very cutie... their song "The Owls Go" is too! Here's a video someone made featuring singing owls, collage and cuteness. A triple cute threat indeed! xxxo
The Willow Farm is nestled against the Pescadero marsh preserve an hour south of SF. Their animals strip the canes after harvest, and the entire operation is green. After seeing these adorable playhouses (I know I could fit in one!), I think a roadtrip might be in order to try one out. Hello There Cuties!!! xxxo
London real estate agent Douglas and Gordon asked some artists to create pieces to illustrate their agency's 10 Commandments. This sweet cross-stitch is by Owen Gildersleeve... you can see the other art here. I do believe they might need another Commandment tho: Let there be Cuteness!!! xxxo
A (modern) classic SF movie is "the Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill." This movie is a documentary about a boho St. Francis (Mark Bittner) and his remarkable relationship with a flock of wild parrots that I often see when on the northside of town. A genuinely sweet tale full of cutie birds, I give it two big squawks of approval! xxxo