Saturday, July 18, 2009

Toilet Roll Doll's Are Cute

In the 70's, my Aunt Perle used to make doll toilet roll covers of all types. They were of different styles (Southern Belle had a bonnet & parasol, Modern Gal's dress was bright colored yarn, etc) and all were super cute! I would go into my Grandma's spare bathroom for hours, playing with the newest one Auntie had sent along with my brothers Hot Wheels (her boyfriend & friends were inside the mini toy cars). xxxo

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    I'm writing to you from a TV show in Australia - we require a jpeg of a toilet roll doll for our program and I'm wondering if you would be hapy for us to use yours. If you are, I'd need to get a high res jpeg and i'd also need you to sign a release form.

    please send me an email at: and i will give you more details.

    many thanks

